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Okoboji Soccer Classic Playing Rules

The Rules of Play will be in accordance with CYSL and FIFA, except as noted:  

The team listed first in each match is the home team. In case of a conflict of uniform colors in any game, the home team will change colors.

  • Heading the ball is allowed in all divisions

  • Slide tackling is prohibited in all divisions


The Players

  1. Players must be rostered, and play, on one team only.

  2. All substitutions shall be made with the consent of the Center Referee at any stoppage.  No substitutions will be allowed during penalty kicks


In the event of a coach being summoned onto the field to attend to an injured player, the injured player will be required to leave the field of play, unless a foul was called.  This player then becomes eligible to re-enter at the next player substitution opportunity.


The Duration of the Match

The duration of the game shall be:

  • 2 equal periods of 25 minutes for the U12 Division

  • 2 equal periods of 30 minutes for the U14 Division



Teams will be expected to play according to the schedule of games regardless of weather.  Only the Tournament Directors may reschedule games or alter the competitive format because of inclement weather or other just cause.  Games will be considered complete if one half of the game is completed and play is stopped by the referee or the Tournament Directors.  When necessitated by playing conditions or just cause, the game format may be altered to include shortening of games, shoot-outs, or coin tosses.


Determining the Outcome of a Match

A tournament play point system will be used in place of penalty kicks for Day 1 games. The point system is as follows:

  • Win = 3 points

  • Tie = 1 point

  • Loss = 0 points

  • Red Card = -1 point



If, at the conclusion of bracket play, two or more teams have the same point total, advancement to the consolation or championship games will be determined using the following tiebreakers in the order listed until a team is eliminated.  Once a team is eliminated, advancement among the remaining teams will again be determined by the tiebreakers in the order listed starting with head-to-head competition.

  1. Winner of head-to-head competition (criteria is not used if more than two teams tied).

  2. Goal differential.  (4 goal differential per game is the maximum).

  3. Fewest goals allowed.

  4. Total goals scored.

  5. Coin toss by the Directors (Best 2 out of 3).

In the case of a tie between multiple teams (more than two) begin at #2 above (instead of #1) and continue through the tiebreakers until all tied teams are separated.  If two teams remain tied after going through #2 through #4, tiebreaker #5 will be used.



Day 2 Bracket play games only

Shoot-outs will be used to determine a winner for bracket play (not consolation) matches if a winner is not determined at the end of regulation time.  Shoot-outs will be run in accordance with the FIFA Laws of the Game.  The goalkeeper placement, positioning and movements are also in accordance with the FIFA Laws.

The referee chooses the goal at which the kicks will be taken. The referee tosses a coin and the team who wins the toss has the option of shooting first or last. The home team will call the coin toss. Both teams take 5 kicks, and kicks are taken alternately by the teams.

If before both teams have taken 5 kicks, one has scored more goals than the other could possibly score, no more kicks are taken.  If after 5 kicks the score is tied, kicks continue until one team has scored a goal more than the other (“sudden death”) from the same number of kicks.

Only the players on the field at the end of the match are allowed to take kicks.  A different player must take each kick and all eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick.  When a team finishes the match with a greater number of players than their opponents, they will reduce their numbers to equate with that of their opponents and inform the referee of the name and number of each player excluded.


Fouls and Misconduct

Any coach or player ejected from a game shall be ineligible to participate in the team’s next game.  At the discretion of the Tournament Directors, the suspension may be increased and could result in ineligibility for more than one game, depending on the severity of the infraction.  Two yellow cards within the same match are equivalent to a red card.  No substitution shall be permitted for a player who has been sent off during a particular game.  


Spectator Code of Conduct

The coaches will be responsible for their teams spectators.   The referee will address any situation with the coaches, not the spectator, and the coach must deal with the spectator.  A Spectator’s team may be penalized with ejection from the remainder of the game or Tournament, as well as individual or club suspension from the Tournament for up to two years. The sole discretion of such decisions will be up to the Tournament Directors.  THREATENING OR ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.


Any illegal participation could be cause for immediate forfeiture and club suspension from the tournament for up to TWO YEARS.

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